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22 US Senators Move to Keep Biden from Weakening Congressional Oversight of Aid to Israel

26 January 2024

Growing numbers of Senate Democrats have joined an effort to block a Biden administration move that could further reduce congressional oversight of U.S. military aid to Israel, said an AP report.

On Thursday, Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine said 21 other Democratic senators have now joined in an amendment that would keep congressional involvement on aid to Israel’s military on the same level as that for all other foreign militaries.

Various moves in the Senate to leverage U.S. military aid to Israel to reduce civilian deaths and suffering in Gaza started with more left-leaning lawmakers, including independent Sen. Bernie Sanders.

The Biden administration has resisted any such move. Since the Israeli war against Hamas in Gaza started, the Biden administration also has twice invoked a national security emergency to approve arms transfers to Israel without involving Congress.

Biden also has submitted a supplemental funding request to Congress that would allow the administration to waive congressional notification requirements on military aid to Israel if Secretary of State Antony Blinken deems that in the interest of U.S. national security. Biden is asking for $14 billion for Israel in the supplemental.

The senators who Kaine said have agreed to support his amendment countering that include Sens. Amy Klobuchar, Sheldon Whitehouse, Tammy Baldwin, Cory Booker, Tom Carper, Jeanne Shaheen and others.



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