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HomeLatest NewsAIMPLB to Engage with Joint Parliamentary Committee on Waqf Amendment Bill

AIMPLB to Engage with Joint Parliamentary Committee on Waqf Amendment Bill

New Delhi, August 10, 2024: The All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB) has announced its decision to meet with the Joint Parliamentary Committee formed to review the Waqf (Amendment) Bill, 2024. This was confirmed by the Board’s General Secretary, Maulana Mohammad Fazlur Rahim Mujaddidi, in a statement issued on Friday.

The AIMPLB statement highlights that in early August 2024, the Board held an online meeting under the chairmanship of its President, Maulana Khalid Saifullah Rahmani. This meeting included key members of the Board and representatives of various political parties to discuss the implications of the proposed amendments to the Waqf Act. It was decided that the Board would actively engage with leaders from all political parties, including those allied with the ruling NDA, to voice its concerns and opposition to the Bill.

Following this decision, the Board immediately began reaching out to these leaders, explaining the potential dangers and adverse effects of the proposed amendments. The General Secretary noted that the amendments aim to weaken the Waqf Act, facilitate the takeover of Waqf properties, diminish the authority of Waqf Boards, and transfer critical powers from Waqf officials to lower-level bureaucrats like tehsildars and patwaris. The Board expressed strong opposition to these changes, stating that they would significantly undermine the integrity and significance of the Waqf Act.

Additionally, the Board criticized the proposed alterations to the composition of the Central Waqf Council and Waqf Boards, which it fears would weaken these institutions. The AIMPLB has called on opposition parties and NDA allies to prevent the government from achieving these objectives.

The Board also acknowledged the efforts of opposition leaders who have already raised their voices against the Bill in Parliament, defending constitutional values and the rights of minorities. However, the Board emphasized that more work remains to be done. It urged members of the Joint Parliamentary Committee, particularly those from opposition parties and NDA allies, to work diligently to eliminate the problematic provisions in the Bill.

Furthermore, the General Secretary expressed gratitude to the Board members who have successfully conveyed the Board’s concerns to political leaders, encouraging them to take a stand against the Bill in Parliament.

The AIMPLB also noted with satisfaction that the Waqf Amendment Bill has not yet been passed by the Lok Sabha and has been referred to the Joint Parliamentary Committee. The Board plans to meet with members of the committee to present its views and concerns. Additionally, it will seek a meeting with central government representatives to advocate on behalf of the Muslim community.

The Board urged Muslims across the country to protect Waqf properties in their areas from misuse and to actively participate in preserving these valuable endowments left by their forefathers. The Board also called for sermons on the importance of Waqf and prayers for the protection of these assets.



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