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Hindutva Groups Intensify Efforts to Remove Muslims from Uttarakhand, Labeling It a ‘Holy Land’

Dehradun, Sep 7: Hindutva groups in Uttarakhand have intensified their campaign to push Muslims out of the state, dubbing the region as a ‘holy land’, meant exclusively for Hindus. This disturbing trend has sparked fear and insecurity among the Muslim community, who make up a small but significant portion of the state’s population, reported the Arabic News.

The rhetoric of transforming Uttarakhand into an exclusively Hindu region has gained traction in recent months, with various right-wing organizations leading the charge. These groups claim that Muslims, despite being citizens of India, have no rightful place in Uttarakhand due to its sacred status in Hindu mythology. The notion of a ‘Muslim-free’ Uttarakhand is being actively promoted, leading to increasing instances of communal tensions and violence.

Recent reports from various districts in the state indicate a rise in targeted harassment and intimidation of Muslims. In several cases, Muslims have been pressured to sell their properties and leave the region. There are also accounts of social boycotts, where Muslim-owned businesses are being shunned by the local Hindu populace, leaving them with little choice but to relocate.

Community leaders and activists have raised alarms over this growing communal discord, warning that the situation could escalate further if not addressed promptly.

“This is not just about a piece of land; it’s about the systematic exclusion and marginalization of an entire community,” said a local Muslim leader, who wished to remain anonymous for fear of reprisal, the report said.

The report further alleges that the Uttarakhand government has largely remained silent on the issue, despite repeated calls for intervention. Critics argue that the inaction of the state administration is emboldening these extremist groups, who continue to spread their divisive agenda with impunity.

Human rights organizations have also voiced concerns, urging the central government to take immediate steps to protect the rights and safety of Muslims in Uttarakhand.

“The idea of a ‘holy land’ should not be used as a pretext for religious discrimination and violence,” a spokesperson for one such organization reportedly said. “India is a secular country, and every citizen, regardless of their religion, has the right to live and thrive in any part of the country.”

As the situation remains tense, the future of Uttarakhand’s social fabric hangs in the balance. The Muslim community in the state now faces an uncertain future, with many wondering whether they will ever be able to live in peace in a region they have called home for generations.

The unfolding of developments in Uttarakhand is a stark reminder of the challenges posed by communal ideologies in India’s pluralistic society. As the push for a ‘Muslim-free’ Uttarakhand continues, the need for unity, tolerance, and respect for diversity becomes more urgent than ever.


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