The Gujarat Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) has arrested a 33-year-old man, Dipesh Gohil, for allegedly leaking sensitive information about the Indian Coast Guard (ICG) to a Pakistani spy. Gohil, a contractual worker at Okha port, was paid Rs.200 per day for providing details about Coast Guard ships, totalling Rs.42,000 over several months, reports India Today.
According to the ATS, Gohil, a resident of Okha in Dwarka district, had been working at the port for three years, performing welding, furniture, and electrical tasks on defence boats. He came into contact with the spy, who used the alias “Sahima,” through Facebook. The two later communicated on WhatsApp, where the agent sought information about the names and numbers of Coast Guard vessels stationed at the port.
ATS officer K Siddharth said, “We received information that a man was sharing details about the Coast Guard boats with a Pakistani Navy or ISI agent. Following our investigation, we arrested Dipesh Gohil and traced the contact number he used to Pakistan.”
The ATS discovered that Gohil, who did not have a bank account, had the money transferred to a friend’s account before withdrawing it in cash, claiming it was payment for welding work.
The ATS emphasised the potential risks posed by such information leaks, especially in light of ongoing efforts to intercept smuggling and drug trafficking along India’s coastline.
“Pakistan’s Navy or ISI agents often target individuals with access to sensitive information, offering small sums in return. Such breaches could be especially dangerous during conflicts,” Siddharth added.
The report added that this case is not an isolated incident. Last month, the Gujarat ATS arrested another individual, Pankaj Kotia, in Porbandar for passing similar information to a Pakistani spy.
Authorities have urged heightened vigilance and awareness to prevent further incidents of espionage that could compromise national security. Gohil remains in custody as the investigation continues.