New Delhi: The Supreme Court has taken cognizance of reports regarding a speech delivered by Justice Shekhar Kumar Yadav, a sitting judge of the Allahabad High Court, at an event organised by the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) on Sunday. The apex court has requested details of the speech from the Allahabad High Court, reports the Live Law.
Justice Yadav’s remarks at the event have sparked controversy, drawing widespread public and legal attention. While the specifics of the speech are yet to be disclosed, the involvement of a sitting judge in an event by the VHP, has raised questions about judicial neutrality and propriety.
The Supreme Court’s intervention follows concerns from legal experts and public interest groups about potential violations of judicial conduct norms. Reports indicate that the Allahabad High Court has been directed to provide a detailed account of the speech and the context of Justice Yadav’s participation in the event.