Samajwadi Party MP Afzal Ansari has taken a strong stand against Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath’s handling of the Maha Kumbh budget and his governance style, emphasising that India’s future should be guided by the Constitution rather than individual ideologies or religious symbolism, reports The Times of India.
Acknowledging the significance of the Maha Kumbh as a major religious event, Ansari voiced concerns about its escalating costs. He questioned whether the substantial budget allocated to the event is being misappropriated, alleging it has become a lucrative avenue for contractors. Ansari noted that even religious leaders have expressed dissatisfaction, with the issue now under review by the Supreme Court.
Responding to Adityanath’s remarks on the Muslim League, Ansari firmly stated that India’s governance must not be dictated by ideologies tied to the Muslim League or the grandeur associated with Adityanath’s political persona. He reiterated that the Constitution, which he described as India’s “holy book,” should remain the guiding framework for the country’s leadership.
Ansari also highlighted warnings from global figures like Elon Musk about the potential dangers facing India, describing them as alarming signs. He urged the nation to address its challenges by reaffirming constitutional values and fostering unity and inclusivity.
The MP advocated for legal and democratic principles to navigate India’s complex social and political landscape, rejecting any dominance based on individual or religious ideologies.