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Gratitude, Patience and Faith: The Enduring Strength of Palestinians with Hasbunallahu wa Ni’mal Wakeel

The article envisions a future where Palestine is free, emphasizing the need for collective efforts aligned with principles of equality, dignity, and human rights. This detailed narrative serves as a poignant testament to the intricate historical and geopolitical layers underlying the Palestinian struggle.

By Yusra Firdaus

The enduring pain and suffering that has been witnessed over the years has left an indelible impact on every human being, particularly among Muslims who empathize deeply with the struggles of the Palestinian people. This sentiment rooted in the teachings of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, in a hadith: “The believers in their mutual kindness, compassion, and sympathy are just like one body. When one of the limbs suffers, the whole body responds to it with wakefulness and fever” [Bukhari and Muslim] emphasizes the importance of feeling the pain of every Palestinian.

The narrative of Palestine and the establishment of Israel trace back to the era of Prophet Yakub, who constructed the Masjid al-Aqsa in Jerusalem. This significant event occurred 40 years after the construction of the Kaaba by Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Ismael. Prophet Sulaiman later renovated Masjid al-Aqsa, and its historical significance was further underscored.

Prophet Isa entered the world, and according to Christian belief, subsequent events unfolded, culminating in the crucifixion of Isa. This marked a turning point, as Christians bore witness to wars waged against the Israeli people, leaving them displaced and struggling to find refuge anywhere in the world.

The historical tapestry of Jerusalem’s conquest and the reconstruction of Masjid al-Aqsa by Caliph Umar represents a pivotal epoch, symbolizing the ebb and flow of dominion between religious communities. This sacred city, with its profound spiritual significance for Muslims, Christians, and Jews, has been the focal point of historical shifts. The early conquest by Caliph Umar, the subsequent Christian occupation, and the eventual restitution to the Muslim community under the leadership of Salahuddin Ayyubi showcase the enduring legacy of Jerusalem’s spiritual and political importance.

Over the past 400–500 years, geopolitical shifts catalyzed by colonial powers such as France, Germany, Britain, and America have significantly shaped the destiny of the Middle East. The imposition of colonial rule, a practice steeped in domination and subjugation, laid the groundwork for the eventual division and fragmentation of Turkish and Arab territories. This period of colonial influence set the stage for future geopolitical dynamics and tensions.

Palestine, once a harmonious mosaic of diverse cultures and religions, particularly under the Ottoman Empire during the 1800s, became a contested space with the emergence of Zionism. This movement, rooted in the aspiration to establish a homeland exclusively for the Jewish people, disrupted the delicate balance that had allowed Christians, Muslims, and Jews to coexist in relative harmony. The establishment of Israel in 1948 marked a watershed moment in the region’s history, leading to the mass displacement of thousands of Palestinians. The international community, grappling with the aftermath of World War II, witnessed the swift recognition of Israel, particularly by the United States and Russia. In a geopolitical landscape where alliances and allegiances shifted, India’s initial opposition to Israel evolved into a contemporary alignment that deviates from its historical stance.

The distribution of land post-1948 favored Israel by 52%, leaving 48% for Palestine. However, the formation of an independent government in Israel remains a complex and unresolved issue. The aftermath of Israel’s establishment unfolded a darker chapter, characterized by an apartheid system systematically denying Palestinians basic rights and dignity. The 1948 conflict, known as the NAKBA, serves as a stark reminder of the limitations of global unity in maintaining peace and justice, despite the establishment of the United Nations in 1945.

The narrative accentuates a heartfelt plea for humanity and justice, challenging the notion that advocating for Palestinian rights equates to anti-Semitism. The ongoing oppression faced by Palestinians, manifested in the denial of basic necessities and a disregard for international orders, paints a grim picture.

The refusal of the Israeli government to adhere to international directives, resulting in the bombing of civilian spaces and restricting access to fundamental resources, exacerbates the plight of the Palestinian people.

In the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges, the Palestinian people have demonstrated unwavering resilience and faith, serving as an inspiration to the world. Despite being devoid of conventional physical weaponry, they find strength and solace in the unwavering belief that Allah is by their side. Their steadfast commitment to their faith is a testament to their extraordinary resolve.

In the midst of adversity, the Palestinians have become living embodiments of the lessons embedded in their faith. Their unwavering trust in Allah and the promise of heaven in the hereafter stand as profound examples for humanity. It is through their trials and tribulations that they showcase to the world the transformative power of gratitude and patience.

What sets the Palestinian narrative apart is their ability to transcend the physical realm and tap into a spiritual fortitude that defies the limitations of worldly possessions. In the face of hardship, they radiate an inner strength that emanates from a deep connection with Allah. This spiritual resilience becomes a beacon, guiding others toward understanding the enduring power of faith.

Notably, the Palestinians are not merely enduring their struggles; they are actively utilizing their experiences to disseminate a powerful message to the global community. Through their unwavering commitment to gratitude and patience, they are not only standing firm but also spreading the tenets of Islam to the farthest corners of the world. Their actions serve as a living testament to the transformative power of faith, inspiring others to explore the beauty and strength inherent in Islam contributing to the elevation of human consciousness.

In a world often overshadowed by tumult and discord, the Palestinian example becomes a beacon of hope and endurance. Their unwavering faith becomes a universal language that transcends geographical and cultural boundaries.

The Palestinians’ profound ability to endure with gratitude and patience is not just a personal journey; it is a global lesson. It is a lesson on resilience, on the indomitable spirit that arises when faith becomes the guiding force. As they navigate their challenges with grace, the Palestinians are not only securing a promise of heaven in the hereafter but also forging a path to illuminate the world with the light of Islam.

In conclusion, the article envisions a future where Palestine is free, emphasizing the need for collective efforts aligned with principles of equality, dignity, and human rights. This detailed narrative serves as a poignant testament to the intricate historical and geopolitical layers underlying the Palestinian struggle. It urges readers to engage critically with the complexities of the situation and contribute to a just and equitable resolution. Throughout these historical events, the challenges faced by Muslims serve as a profound lesson on how to navigate life with utmost sensitivity, from the youngest to the eldest members of the community. The collective narrative reinforces the need for empathy and understanding, echoing the teachings of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and exemplifying the resilient spirit of the Muslim faith.

[The writer is president GIO, Ballari, Karnataka]


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