Sidhi: A BJP leader in Madhya Pradesh’s Sidhi district was arrested on Tuesday for allegedly raping a female party member and extorting money from her, police confirmed. The party swiftly expelled the accused following his arrest, reports the Vartha Bharati.
According to the FIR, the victim, also a BJP leader, was raped under the pretence of being promised a party ticket. The accused, Ajitpal Singh Chouhan, reportedly filmed the incident and used the video to blackmail the victim for money. He also threatened to kill her husband and forced her father-in-law to pay money by showing him the explicit video, the police said.
Chouhan has been charged under several sections of the Bharatiya Nyay Sanhita, including Section 64(1) for rape, Section 308(5) for extortion by instilling fear of death or grievous harm, Section 296 for obscene acts, and Section 351(3) for criminal intimidation. The case was registered on January 13, leading to his arrest.
Sidhi district BJP president Dev Kumar Singh announced Chouhan’s expulsion from the party, stating that such actions were unacceptable and the party would not shield any wrongdoers.
The incident has sparked outrage and drawn attention to the need for stricter measures to ensure the safety and dignity of women in political and professional spaces. Authorities are continuing the investigation, and the case has raised concerns about accountability within political organisations.