Ratlam: A viral video depicting the assault of three young boys has sparked outrage in Ratlam district, Madhya Pradesh, with members of the Muslim community staging a protest outside the local police station on Thursday night. The children, aged 6, 9, and 11, were allegedly beaten and coerced into chanting religious slogans.
The video shows a man striking the boys with a slipper while hurling abuses, as another individual records the incident. The assault, lasting over a minute, drew widespread condemnation. Protesters gathered at the police station, demanding immediate action against the perpetrators. Senior officers, including Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Rakesh Khakha, intervened to restore calm, assuring swift and decisive action. Khakha revealed that the incident took place over a month ago. “We have registered a case against two individuals under charges of assault, abuse, issuing death threats, and hurting religious sentiments. A police and cyber team is actively working to apprehend them,” he said.
Ratlam SP Amit Kumar confirmed that the accused had been identified and assured the community of their imminent arrest.