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HomeLatest NewsNCERT Director Defends Textbook Changes Amid Controversy Over Ayodhya Dispute Rewrite

NCERT Director Defends Textbook Changes Amid Controversy Over Ayodhya Dispute Rewrite

16 Jun. 24: In response to recent controversies surrounding the revised NCERT Class 12 Political Science textbook, NCERT Director Dinesh Prasad Saklani has clarified to the Indian Express, that the changes were not aimed at saffronising the curriculum but were based on factual accuracy and educational relevance.

Speaking to PTI, Saklani emphasized that the purpose of history textbooks is to impart factual knowledge rather than incite violence or propagate hatred. He defended the deletion of certain details from the previous edition, including references to the Babri Masjid demolition aftermath and political events like the BJP’s rath yatra and subsequent communal violence. These changes, he explained, were made to streamline the curriculum and ensure its alignment with current educational standards.

Saklani underscored that the revision of textbooks is a standard practice globally and is necessary to maintain educational relevance. He clarified that the process of revision involves subject experts and is not influenced by personal directives.

The revised textbook, which has stirred debate, notably avoids specific terminology like “Babri Masjid,” referring to it instead as a “three-domed structure.” Critics argue that such changes downplay historical events and their socio-political implications.

The NCERT director reiterated that the focus remains on providing students with a balanced and accurate understanding of historical events without sensationalising or politicising them. He concluded by stating that the revisions were undertaken in the interest of educational integrity and to ensure that textbooks reflect the latest historical research and perspectives.

The controversy over textbook revisions underscores ongoing debates about historical interpretation and educational content in India’s academic curriculum.


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