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HomeLatest NewsProphet Muhammad ﷺ: A Guiding Light for the Future

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ: A Guiding Light for the Future

– Atiya Siddiqua
Former National Secretary, JIH
Milad un Nabi, the celebration of Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ birth, holds immense significance in the hearts of millions worldwide. It’s a moment when people come together to honor a man whose influence transcends generations and continents. Philosophers and intellectuals who value Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ teachings of love and compassion also pay tribute to him. His lessons stand the test of time, inspiring and guiding individuals from all walks of life without being limited by any specific era.

The Quran elegantly encapsulates the essence of Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ mission in Surah Al-Anbiya (Chapter 21), verse 107: “We have sent you forth as nothing but a mercy to the people of the whole world.”

The subsequent verse underscores the Prophet’s vital role as a source of mercy for all humanity, not restricted to Muslims alone. The Prophet’s teachings encompass all aspects of life – individual, societal, economic, political, and moral. By following his guidance, we can enhance our lives and make a positive impact on society.

Love for the Prophet ﷺ  goes beyond sentiment; it’s demonstrated through obedience and emulation. The Quran, in Surah An-Nisa (Chapter 4), verse 69, states, “Whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger will be in the company of those whom Allah has blessed: the prophets, the truthful, the martyrs, and the righteous – what excellent companions these are!”

One of the most striking examples of the Prophet’s forgiveness and tolerance occurred during the Taif event, when he was pelted with stones. The angel Gabriel offered to retaliate, but the Prophet ﷺ chose forgiveness, expressing hope that their descendants might embrace Islam.

This underscores the significance of forgiveness and tolerance in our lives. Similarly, during the conquest of Makkah, the Prophet ﷺ declared a general amnesty for those who had opposed him for years, saying, “Go, you are free.” Many embraced Islam due to this act of magnanimity and reconciliation.

Understanding the prophetic mission and implementing his teachings in our lives:

One of the most notable aspects of the Prophet’s life is his unwavering commitment to propagating Islam. The Quran, in Surah Ash-Shu’ara (Chapter 26), verse 3, alludes to his passionate dedication: “Perhaps, [O Muhammad], you would kill yourself with grief that they would not be believers.”

We can recall an incident when a caravan arrived in Makkah after a day filled with service to Islam. Upon hearing of their arrival, the Prophet ﷺ eagerly rose to join them for the mission. Hazrat Khadijah (may Allah be pleased with her) wisely advised him to rest briefly. In response, the Prophet ﷺ expressed his concern: “If I rest and the mission departs, how will I convey the message to them?”

Whether in the narrow streets of Makkah or during the establishment of an Islamic system in Medinah, the Prophet ﷺ never wasted a moment in delivering the message. He embodied the concept of a silent call to Islam through his actions. When we incorporate his teachings into our daily lives, from eating and drinking to sitting and standing, we become bearers of the message. Our honesty, integrity, and respect for the rights of others become our testimony. We become agents of mercy for all of humanity.

In the present era, there is an urgent need for us to show the beauty of Islam. Islamophobia is on the rise, and to present the true essence of Islam, we must become devout followers of its teachings. Our actions will guide people, and we will be saviors, preventing dishonesty, deception, theft, embezzlement, disputes, anger, and vengeance. By steering clear of these negative behaviors, we can become witnesses to the verbal declaration of faith. If all Muslims unite to follow the teachings of the Prophet ﷺ and convey them to others, it will be a significant endeavor for the betterment of society, reshaping common perceptions for the better.

The celebration of the Prophet’s ﷺ birth, known as Milad-un-Nabi, should not be confined to a single day of festivity. Instead, it should serve as a lesson for the Muslim community to live their lives in harmony with the teachings of the Prophet ﷺ. Every action in our lives should align with his teachings. While we readily profess our love for the Prophet ﷺ, we must also be prepared to live our lives in accordance with his prescribed way. May Allah grant us the ability to do so. Ameen.


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