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HomeLatest NewsSecret Meeting Between Israeli and Arab Military Chiefs Sparks Controversy

Secret Meeting Between Israeli and Arab Military Chiefs Sparks Controversy

21 Jun. 24: A clandestine meeting between top generals from Israel and several Arab nations has ignited controversy and criticism across the Arab world. The high-level talks, reported by Axios, took place in Bahrain and included military leaders from Bahrain, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt. Coordinated by the United States Central Command (CENTCOM), the meeting focused on regional security cooperation amidst Israel’s ongoing military operations in Gaza, which have resulted in the deaths of over 37,000 Palestinians, predominantly women and children.

General Herzi Halevi, Chief of General Staff of the Israeli military, and US General Michel “Erik” Kurilla attended the secretive meeting. This gathering, not publicly disclosed due to the sensitive political context, indicates ongoing military dialogue and collaboration between Israel and Arab states under CENTCOM’s auspices despite widespread condemnation of Israel’s actions in Gaza.

The decision by these Arab nations to engage with Israel during a period of intense suffering for Palestinians has been met with sharp criticism. Many view this as a tacit endorsement of Israel’s military operations and a prioritization of regional security interests over the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

“If true, it would be a scandal like no other,” said university professor Sami Al-Arian, a descendant of Palestinian refugees expelled in 1948. “It shows the complicity of the US, the Zionist regime, and five US Arab allies in the region.”

CENTCOM and the Pentagon have been strengthening cooperation with regional militaries on air and missile defense. There is speculation that CENTCOM had a role in Israel’s recent attack on the Nuseirat refugee camp in Gaza.

US officials regard the defeat of Iran’s missile and drone attack against Israel on April 13 as a significant achievement, made possible through collaboration with Arab regimes. They highlighted that cooperation with Israel and Arab countries in the region enabled them to gather intelligence and obtain early warnings of the attack.

Officials also noted that Jordan and Saudi Arabia actively participated in intercepting missiles and drones that traversed their airspace from Iran, Iraq, and Yemen towards Israel.


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