Warangal: A deeply concerning incident unfolded at Kakatiya Medical College, where female students appearing for exams were subjected to invasive and humiliating security checks. Students reported being forced to remove their hijabs and abayas, denied the option to wear them again, and subjected to searches that violated their personal and cultural boundaries.
According to the victims, female security personnel conducted invasive searches, including pressing their hair and inspecting personal hygiene products such as sanitary pads. These actions, described as unnecessary and degrading, left the students distressed and humiliated.
One of the students took a stand by informing the local Girls Islamic Organisation (GIO) team, which prompted immediate action. The GIO leadership coordinated with Jamaat-e-Islami Hind and the Students Islamic Organisation (SIO) to report the matter to the authorities.
SIO’s City Secretary Abdul Mannan Haseeb, Unit President Mujtaba Khan, JIH Nazim-e-Shehr Hannan, and GIO’s National Secretary Maseera Firdos together lodged a formal complaint with the Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences, which oversees the exams. The team also met with the principal of Kakatiya Medical College, who issued an apology and promised a formal inquiry within 72 hours.
The prompt action ensured that students were allowed to sit for subsequent exams wearing their hijabs and abayas without issue. Security checks were reportedly conducted in a more respectful and dignified manner after the intervention.
Students expressed concerns about the psychological scars caused by the harassment, emphasising the need for systemic reforms to prevent such incidents in the future. Advocacy groups stressed the importance of addressing these issues to restore trust and ensure students’ well-being. They have called for standardised guidelines that respect cultural and religious practices while maintaining exam security.