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HomeLatest NewsSunehri Masjid Issue: 2021 Traffic Study Contradicts NDMC Traffic Congestion Theory

Sunehri Masjid Issue: 2021 Traffic Study Contradicts NDMC Traffic Congestion Theory

New Delhi, Dec. 31: In 2021, a traffic assessment report commissioned by the Central Public Works Department (CPWD) as part of its Central Vista redevelopment project found no traffic congestion at the Sunehri Masjid roundabout – then or thereafter. The New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) recently proposed removing Sunehri Bagh Masjid in the interest of “sustainable mobility”.

On the assessment report findings, Damini Nath and Saman Husain in The Indian Express wrote on December 31, “March 2021, CPWD submitted an environmental impact assessment and environmental management plan report prepared by Kadam Environmental Consultants to the Union Environment Ministry as a part of its application for environment clearance for the Central Vista project, including the construction of Common Central Secretariat, Prime Minister’s Residence and Vice-President’s Enclave. The assessment included a study of the traffic volume in the area and projections for it in 2026 and 2031 done by Tata Consulting Engineers Ltd. Both consultants were hired by architects of the Central Vista project – HCP Design, Planning and Management.

“The traffic study as a part of the report showed the volume of traffic at the Sunehri Masjid roundabout was below its capacity: opposed to a capacity of 4,645 passenger car units/hour (PCU), total volume during peak hour (9 to 10 am) was projected to be 3,389 PCU/hr in 2026 and 3,721 PCU/hr in 2031. For the study, all vehicles are assigned values in relation to a car. For instance, a car, jeep, van or taxi is one PCU, a two-wheeler is 0.2 PCU and a bus is 4.58 PCU.”


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