Friday, October 18, 2024
HomeLatest NewsSyrians: War or No-War

Syrians: War or No-War

The pain and devastation have befallen a people whose sole concern was to live with dignity, free from fear, persecution, or discrimination. Today, amidst the complex circumstances which Syrians are living through, oscillating between a state of war and non-war, the reality is that the solutions still appear elusive. The major influential capitals are effectively preoccupied with issues graver and more consequential than the Syria. Moreover, it’s evident that the war will not achieve its goals more than what has already been accomplished.

The Syrian regime’s failure over the past years doesn’t necessarily indicate the success of the opposition. Similarly, the opposition’s failure doesn’t show the regime’s triumph. Between the regime’s failure after renewed protests and demonstrations in its controlled areas due to deteriorating economic, living, and security conditions, and the opposition’s failure due to its incompetence and its representation of the Syrian revolution in liberated areas, Syrians today, from all regions and provinces, and across various religious and ethnic backgrounds and inclinations, possess the elements which help the birth of a new shared awareness. This new awareness could serve as a catalyst for profound change, provided that the political players possess the necessary sensitivity, determination, and willpower to seize this opportunity. It’s true that we recognise the difficulty of this mission due to various reasons, circumstances, and factors. However, we believe that it’s not impossible, as history has taught us that trembling hands do not write the illustrious pages of history, and that general failure can be a starting point for overall success.

[by Bashar Narsh in Al-Araby Al-Jadeed]

Translated and compiled by Faizul Haque


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