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HomeLatest NewsTelangana Congress MLA Apologizes for Bakrid Controversy Over Cow Image

Telangana Congress MLA Apologizes for Bakrid Controversy Over Cow Image

Hyderabad, June 19: A controversy erupted on Monday involving Kumbam Anil Kumar Reddy, a Congress MLA in Telangana, after his Eid al-Adha greetings on social media included a graphic image of a cow. The post drew sharp criticism from BJP MLA Raja Singh, who questioned the intent behind using the image and alleged that it was an insult to Hindus.

The Congress legislator promptly apologized for what he termed an “inadvertent error” and removed the post from all his social media accounts. Reddy explained that the image was supposed to feature a goat, not a cow, and expressed regret for the mistake.

Raja Singh, known for his strong Hindutva views, demanded to know why Telangana Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy remained silent on the matter. Singh questioned the message the Congress MLA intended to convey by including the cow image in the Bakrid greetings.

In a video statement, Reddy clarified his position, emphasizing his devotion to Ram and his commitment to traditional values. He assured that the poster was removed immediately upon realizing the error and apologized to anyone who felt offended. Reddy also mentioned that he had instructed his social media team to be more vigilant in the future and that the person responsible for the mistake was being identified.

The incident has sparked a debate on social media, with various reactions from the public. Some criticized the MLA for the oversight, while others supported his quick apology and corrective action.

The controversy over the Bakrid greeting highlights the fragile nature of communal harmony and the need for sensitivity in public communications. While Anil Kumar Reddy’s swift apology and corrective measures are commendable, the incident underscores the deep-seated prejudices that can be inflamed by even inadvertent mistakes. As communal tensions continue to simmer, it is crucial for political leaders and the public to approach such matters with greater empathy and understanding to foster a more inclusive society.


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