Veteran Samajwadi Party leader Azam Khan, currently serving a prison sentence, has written a letter addressing the condition of Muslims. The letter, presented publicly by SP’s Rampur District President Ajay Sagar, accuses the INDIA alliance of neglecting Muslim issues and failing to stand with the community during trying times. Azam alleged that the alliance remained a silent spectator to the suffering of the community in Rampur and actively worked to undermine Muslim leadership.
Azam expressed that if the INDIA alliance does not clarify its position on Muslim issues, the community may be forced to reconsider its political future. He also demanded that the atrocities and destruction in Rampur be raised in Parliament with the same vigour as the Sambhal issue.
Close associates of Azam suggest that his criticism of the INDIA alliance was aimed at SP Chief Akhilesh Yadav. They point to the decision to allot the Rampur Lok Sabha ticket without Azam’s consent, a move he perceived as undermining his political standing among Muslims. Azam reportedly wanted Akhilesh to contest the Lok Sabha elections from Rampur and was opposed to allowing any other Muslim leader to establish a foothold there. However, SP fielded another Muslim candidate, Mohibullah, who ultimately won the seat.
This decision is believed to have deepened the rift between Azam and the SP leadership. Azam also feels that his own case was not given the same priority in public and parliamentary discourse as the Sambhal matter.
Azam’s letter has sparked speculation about his future political course, with indications that he may take a separate path, potentially dealing a significant blow to the SP ahead of the UP Assembly elections.