Thursday, December 19, 2024
HomeInterfaith HarmonyWORK marks Christmas with distribution of hot tea and biscuits

WORK marks Christmas with distribution of hot tea and biscuits

– Raheem Khan

Tonk, Dec. 26: World Organization of Religion and Knowledge (WORK) team Tonk distributed hot tea and biscuits at Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar Circle Ghantaghar Chowk here Monday, marking Christmas. WORK Manav Seva under the leadership of spokesperson Syed Asgar Ali initiated this event.

Ali said we love Jesus Christ and follow his Ten Commandments. Jesus Christ was miraculously born, just as Adam was born without parents. Jesus Christ said, “I am a servant of God, God has made me a prophet and given me a book.” Such is the message in Mark, “Hear Israel! the Lord our God is one Lord.”

Asgar Ali said the basis of our relationship with the world is humanity, we all are the children of Adam and Eve. We all are brothers, you do not have the right to hate any person on the basis of religion. The person with whom we live also has rights and duties, these are very sacred relationships. You also have to meet, share in happiness and sorrow, there is no untouchability in religion. The religion of Islam prevents you from shirk (polytheism) and wrong conduct.

With the same message, today the WORK team has provided a service to the people along with tea and biscuits. Badri Gurjar, Maroof Nadvi, Syed Mashakur Ali, Gaurav, Mizan, Asad, etc. were present as support.

WORK is making all-out efforts for the arrival of Satyayug in India. The principles of WORK are, Our worship is one God, Our race is human family, Our pride is India, Our dream is united India, Our resolution is era change. WORK says that when Satyayug starts, it will happen, India will be world leader.


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