Nov. 8, 2023
Members of the famous anti-war organization CODEPINK, challenged Secretary of State Blinken, Secretary of Defence Austin, and other US Senators for their complicity in Israeli war crimes during a Senate Appropriations Committee meeting on Tuesday.

The activists attended the hearing, wearing shirts with the word GAZA in large lettering. They held aloft their arms painted in red to symbolize blood, making for a powerful visual demonstration.
CODEPINK co-founder Medea Benjamin, while demanding a ceasefire, questioned how the US politicians could send more weapons to Israel when it mercilessly bombs Palestinians, including children, every 10 minutes and destroys hospitals, schools, and homes. She pointed out that the American people do not want to pay for Israeli war crimes, and that 66% of Americans support a cease-fire. She questioned who the US Senators were really representing; the American people or the defence industry or the AIPAC.
“We must stop giving Israel billions for weapons used to destroy the civilian population of Gaza.”, said retired Col. Ann Wright, a 29-year US Army veteran and former ambassador who resigned in protest of the US war in Iraq 20 years ago, who was detained by Capitol Police.
“I am standing here to invoke the Geneva Convention, which prohibits the use of collective punishment against civilians,” said peace activist David Barrows. “Our partnership in genocide has turned Gaza into a giant death camp of over two million civilians, almost half of whom are children.” He yelled “Ceasfire Now!” as he was being led away by Capitol Police.
The United States has contributed significantly to this suffering by continuing to be the largest funder of Israel’s military, providing $3.8 billion each year.
Despite Israel’s increased brutality against Palestinians this year, the US has consistently expressed its support for the occupying army. House Republicans plan to vote on a bill to send aid to Israel on November 4th, according to GOP leadership. Republican leaders announced a stand-alone Israel measure at $14.5 billion, claiming it is “fully paid for,” according to two persons involved with the call.
CODEPINK urged the United States government to declare an immediate ceasefire, stop all military aid to Israel, and support the right of Palestinians to return to their homeland.